Make an impact on your profile and profit

Your Marketing Director without the overhead costs

Get a 6/12-month I.M.P.A.C.T. marketing plan so that you know WHAT you do in your marketing, WHY you’re doing it, and HOW it will get you to your goals.

Fresh perspective

Brilliant ideas


A safe plan to follow


Predictable growth

 “I left feeling both energised and relieved with a clear plan and strategy to move forward. Thank you very much, Timea

Steve Cook

Maplewood Property

A step by step action plan you can trust

Switch hope marketing to I.M.P.A.C.T marketing

You’ve been around for a while with clients recommending you to others. You have tried some marketing tools and tactics but you’re not sure if these worked or not. You feel a bit stuck when it comes to marketing.

With an I.M.P.A.C.T Marketing Plan (for 6 or 12 months) you’ll have no more ad hoc campaigns and last-minute actions.

What is I.M.P.A.C.T marketing strategy planning

Marketing is not only about communication (even if it’s a crucial part of it). It’s about meeting customers where they are and being the obvious choice for them.


At the session, we put together your signature offers that people can’t get from anywhere else. This will result in high demand for your service. I’ll show you simple ways of market research and we put together a survey to validate new ideas.


We’ll work on your power positioning so that you’ll be the obvious choice for your ideal client. We describe your ideal client avatars based on your previous customers and strength. We put together a SWOT table for your business.


Being the obvious choice and having high demand mean higher fees. We’ll set up staircase pricing from entry to premium and recurring levels. 


We make sure the right prospects know about your service and your offers and you have a steady pipeline of leads. We put together the ideal mix of organic and paid tools in digital marketing and offline marketing. we’ll explain to you the best way to advertise for free or low cost with the highest conversion. We’ll plan account-based marketing to help you get more business with existing clients.


We plan the whole communication: clear messages and re-usable content pieces that make you the talk of the town. We talk about SEO and put together a content calendar for your social media and blog. We also look at the press coverages you can apply for.


To make sure you know what works and what doesn’t, we set up a tracking system, milestones, and key performance indicators. You’ll leave with an action plan including timing. You can use this tool for years to plan and adjust your marketing strategy. 

Find out how I.M.P.A.C.T strategy works.

Give me 15 minutes and I explain how the I.M.P.A.C.T Marketing Strategy could work for your business. You will look at your marketing differently and understand how it works. It’s not a sales call (I wouldn’t have time for sales in 15 minutes anyway).


How we have made an impact

These are just a few examples of our portfolio. Over 20 years we have worked in 17 industries, across 23 countries, and could talk endlessly about our projects:)

Fintech company providing software for financial advisers

Goal: to increase the number of leads and the retention

The winning strategy

  • The combination of a landing page, content and paid ads increased the number of demos by 31% in 6 months.
  • Email series to those who watched the demo increased conversion by 37%.
  • Educational webinars, and a client tester program increased retention by 22% vs the previous year.


An increae of the number of demos by 31%, the conversion rate by 37% and retention by 22%

Sales funnel for an accountancy

Goal: to have better clients who plan for the future, and increase the basket value of each client.

The winning strategy

  • Building an email database offering them a book on how to build a saleable business. 
  • Creating a paid workshop with the accountants, where participants could sign up for a year. 
  • As a VIP product monthly business planning mentoring was added as a yearly premium membership.


They doubled their profit and could grow the size of the business and had much better, bigger clients.


Large insurance company launched online pension insurance

Goal: to launch the first online pension insurance

The winning strategy

  • 60,000 targeted people surveyed on what people think of their future.
  • Results covered in the press with very high coverage.
  • A targeted email and paid ad campaign (Facebook and Google) reaching a 300% ROI.


300% Return on Investment on online pension insurance.

Online course for a photographer

Goal: to establish and sell a new product for a food photographer after she lost her income in Covid19

The winning strategy

  • We built an email database of 6,000 people in 2 weeks using a lead magnet and email referral campaign.
  • With an email campaign we offered a 4-week online gastrophoto course for people.
  • Uploading the database to Facebook, we could target lookalike audiences and run effective campaigns on Facebook.
  • We sold 263 courses, £50 each.


Raising £13,150 in a month for a client who lost all her source of income. She still has the database and can go on selling them upsell products.

Hello! I’m Timea Kadar, CMO @francis cooper

❤ I love marketing. I have been working in it for more than 20 years and it has never let me down. When planned and implemented correctly, it ALWAYS works. (I wouldn’t be here otherwise.)

👉 We’d love to put this experience and passion into your company, and work as your Marketing Director. (Without the overhead costs.)

🚀 You’ll know that the money and time you spend on marketing takes your businesses into the right direction. (And  marketing activities reinforce each other.)

after the consultation

What you get out of it: a detailed action plan for your marketing

👉 We start with a Diagnosis Session before the consultation to find out what has been done so far, where your business is now and what your goals are.

👉 In the next phase, we research your company (1), your industry (2), and your audience (3), and come to the consultation with breakthrough proposals you have never thought of.

👉 At the full-day consultation, we cover all the points of I.M.P.A.C.T and you’ll leave with a detailed action plan (for 6 or 12 months) on what to offer to whom, what message to use an how to get that message in front of the right people.

👉 Monthly marketing mentoring to make sure you put things into practice, and get result out of them.

  • detailed action plan for your marketing
  • fits your marketing budget (even if it’s limited)
  • Fits your human resources (even if it’s scarce)
  • Budget and timing plan
  • Key performance indicators for tracking
  • Ongoing marketing mentoring



I.M.P.A.C.T Marketing strategy
Email marketing
Account-based marketing


E.P.I.C Copywriting
Content Strategy – Client profiling

Personal Brand Building

LEAD LinkedIn Strategy


Creativity and Compliance

Education, speaking

london marketing academy


London marketing club

Director and Content Curators

Previous speaking gigs

  • ACS International School, 2020
  • Devonshire Club, 2020
  • Women in Business, NatWest Bank, 2019
  • Digital Edge 2020, Metro Bank, 2019
  • London Marketing Club, Tesla, 2019
  • London Marketing Club, Apple, 2019
  • Digital Travel Summit, County Hall, 2018
  • Storytelling for startups, Google Campus, 2017
  • Digital Marketing Innovation Summit, ExCel, 2017

Awards & Recognition

winner of best marketing consultancy in London

Content Creator Awards 2019. Based on our campaigns.

winner of Best in Inbound Marketing in London

Business Innovator Awards 2018. Based on our Campaigns.

shortlisted for Best Events program of the year

Brand Management and Reputation Awards 2020, Citywealth Leaders 2020. Based on our events at London Marketing Club.


What really matters is what our clients say.

“Timea exhibits an open mind, fast-thinking, excellent adaptive skills and experience with broad audience marketing. She recognises good ideas and potential in people, in opportunities, and in marketing strategy.

Diane Curry

Global Creative Director, Reader's Digest Trusted Brands

Timea is smart, creative and hard-working. She is one of the most seasoned digital professionals in our market, and one of the great creative content creators I know. When we worked together her regional team produced outstanding creatives that travelled across the globe.

Katalin Kos

Head of Digital and Commercial Insights, Nordea Bank

“Timea supported me all along the way and she even produced an extra training video for me solely to deal with a query I had. She paced the course perfectly to fit in with busy working days. As a direct result of Timea’s training, I made a connection with my dream client.”

Anne Wong

Trademark Attorney, MW Trade Marks

“Over the past couple of years, we’ve been working together on numerous projects and Timea has helped bring our brand projects to life with a unique voice and messaging. I want to thank Timea for going the extra mile with her research and writing that means we can offer an all-round brand experience for our clients. She is dedicated, insightful and creative. She’s also great fun to work with.”

Caroline Somer

Brand Consultant, Somer Design

Happy clients

These are just their logos, but behind them there are amazing clients.

Get In Touch

Let’s make an impact.

We don’t want to push you into another vague magic method. Let’s schedule a 15-minute call which is only about how I.M.P.AC.T marketing strategy works. (It’s not a sales call.)

5 + 14 =



