A snapshot of your marketing – SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis (an acronym of Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) )has been in use since 1952! And it still works. Such a great tool to give us a snapshot about your business, your marketing. It's always part of the strategies planning and reviews, and I...

How to find out if a launch idea is good – 3P Diagram

How to find out if you should go ahead with a new launch idea or not. In this episode, we will talk about the 3P diagram, that will help you to make a decision. It's about passion, profitability, and problem-solving. Short: anything you do in your business needs to...
Books for commuters – how to target your audience

Books for commuters – how to target your audience

This ad targets a very specific audience; those who spend 20-40 minutes commuting on the tube and would need some entertainment during this time. It is clearly articulated in the ad that it is going to be short, and both the copy and the picture makes the impression...

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Five things I learnt from my kids about marketing

Five things I learnt from my kids about marketing

Probably none of the books about raising a child talk about how in fact parts of this procedure are like convincing your leads to buy from you. But while you can always bin the bad leads, and look for new ones, well…with kids all is left is to try harder. Concise and...

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What does it cost – how to communicate the price?

What does it cost – how to communicate the price?

Price is always a crucial part of any marketing communication, there is a pressure on the writer that this is the point where the deal will make it or break it. While actually, this shouldn’t be the only point, it is admittedly a delicate issue we should have a closer...

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